Comments on: A walk around Caramanico Terme. Sun, 19 Apr 2020 04:26:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janice Sun, 19 Apr 2020 04:26:10 +0000 In reply to Michael Smith.

I forgot to say, “Go!” Yes, go to Caramanico Terme. Any season. It’s a beautiful little town in a unique, almost unknown, area of Italy that is quite lovely and very special.

By: Janice Sun, 19 Apr 2020 04:20:19 +0000 In reply to Michael Smith.

Michael, lovely to hear from you, thanks for commenting. Have you found a manifest for your GGF’s entry into the U.S.? Years ago, when I researched my family’s entry, I found that they were part of a “chain” of people from Caramanico who came over many years. The family first sent its oldest son. Two years later, the second-oldest son. A few years after that, the rest of them came. When I looked up the manifests of the two oldest sons, I found many other people from Caramanico with them on their boats. So they didn’t come alone, and neighbors, or maybe they were relatives with different names, helped each other. It’s very possible that your GGF knew my Schenectady/Albany ancestors. Some lived in Colonie and the “Pine Bush.” Is that what you mean by Albany “area?” We’ve gotta talk! In the meantime, let me introduce you to current Caramanico Terme resident Antonio De Acetis, probably a distant relative of yours, who leads explorations/tours of the mountains in the area and posts stunning, STUNNING photos of those mountains on FB:

By: Michael Smith Sun, 19 Apr 2020 04:07:28 +0000 Hi, thanks for posting this. My Great Grandfather, Nicola DiAcetis, immigrated to Albany, NY area form Caramanico around 1902. He was born in 1881. Have been meaning to visit there and found your story very interesting.

Michael Smith
